Michael Haren’s Wassupy Blog

Archive of posts from February 2011

  1. Does Tapping the Can Prevent A Massive Fizzy Explosion?
  2. 10 Reasons Why We Should Give Google More Credit
  3. The Kids’ Castle
  4. Hey Zoo Membership Dude: A Letter from Tammy the Tamarin
  5. Windows: Improving the Command Window, if Only Slightly
  6. How Not To Host an Open House
  7. Hyper-V: What are these *.avhd files for? Snapshots? But I have no snapshots!
  8. “Host is not allowed to connect to this mysql server” (Solved)
  9. Recovering from SQL Server Error: “Syntax Error in TextHeader”
  10. Generating Event Handler Skeletons in .NET
  11. I Guess YouTuber’s *Do* Advertise
  12. The End Of Super Bowl-Style Advertising
  13. A Case For Rolling It (All) Yourself
  14. An Extreme(ish) Company Planning Conference
  15. Is Microsoft Crowdsourcing Search?
  16. A Special Message From Thing1 and Thing2
  17. Trouble Creating Windows Services With “sc.exe create”
  18. My Favorite Book Ever
  19. Idea: Blackmail Yourself to Health
  20. User Interfaces And The Fools Who Love Them