Michael Haren’s Wassupy Blog

Does Tapping the Can Prevent A Massive Fizzy Explosion?

in household, experiments, and food

Some feel compelled to tap the top of a can of soda before opening, especially if it’s recently been dropped. Does this precaution help or is just something our know-it-all mothers made up? My guess is that this action has no effect. Let’s test my hypothesis:

Although the results were disputed by those present, I’m sure you’ll agree with me, Internet, that the tapping had no effect and the complete lack of a fizzy mess was an epic disappointment. Additional tests, including trials with other types of pop are necessary.


Math Zombie said on 2011-02-26

It fizzed slower. I think your sample space is much too small. Mythbusters would be disgusted.

Michael Haren said on 2011-02-26

Unlike mythbusters, my budget is dictated solely by my thirst.

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