Michael Haren’s Wassupy Blog

Archive of posts from 2011

  1. I Vote To Close This Meeting
  2. Case Sensitivity in ASP.NET
  3. LEDs Have Arrived!
  4. A Candy Land Simulator: The Game Engine, Implemented
  5. Outlook Tip: Automatically Archive Annoying Meeting Invitation Responses
  6. A Candy Land Simulator: The Game Engine
  7. A Candy Land Simulator: Overview and Data Representations
  8. Please Ignore Me While I Gush Over My New Laptop
  9. Installing/Upgrading Memory in a Dell Latitude 6520 (aka MOAR GBs!)
  10. Jim, The Pony Taxi, Who Sounds A Lot Like an Engineer
  11. How To Give Better Technical Presentations
  12. Profanity in Technical Presentations and Business
  13. Oh no! I have an interview today and did absolutely nothing to prepare!
  14. What I Miss From My Android as a New iPhone User
  15. How the Google Search “Do a barrel roll” Works
  16. Moving A Hard Drive with Windows 7 to a New Machine
  17. iPhone, from a Former Android Enthusiast
  18. Campaigning Like a Boss
  19. Birth Story: Thing 3
  20. The Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, Ohio
  21. Reseeding *All* Identity Values in a Database
  22. Statistics are Misleading At Best, Filthy Liars at Second Best
  23. A Ridiculous Jury Duty Questionnaire
  24. How to Cook Bacon on a George Foreman Grill
  25. Fixing My Hipster Dryer
  26. Using Bitly’s “+” Links to Peek at Spam
  27. Reduce Noise from Responses To Your Outlook Meeting Requests
  28. Speed Matters: How to Talk About It
  29. Weather in the Midwest vs. A Typical Shower Faucet
  30. Renaming a SQL Server Database
  31. How Do I Print [this web page]!?
  32. Feature Complete vs. Complete Features
  33. Truncating the log of a previously replicated database
  34. How Not to Cross the Border, Or “Please Proceed to Immigration”
  35. The Curious Behavior of HTML Image Inputs, Or Why “&x=0&y=0” Is Showing Up Uninvited
  36. Dear NASA, I Officially Request One Space Shuttle
  37. Project Noodle: Terminated
  38. Code Isn’t Always the Best Tool
  39. How Much Does an Apple Addiction Cost?
  40. The Curious Tale of Ms. Talks-Too-Loud
  41. Does Tapping the Can Prevent A Massive Fizzy Explosion?
  42. 10 Reasons Why We Should Give Google More Credit
  43. The Kids’ Castle
  44. Hey Zoo Membership Dude: A Letter from Tammy the Tamarin
  45. Windows: Improving the Command Window, if Only Slightly
  46. How Not To Host an Open House
  47. Hyper-V: What are these *.avhd files for? Snapshots? But I have no snapshots!
  48. “Host is not allowed to connect to this mysql server” (Solved)
  49. Recovering from SQL Server Error: “Syntax Error in TextHeader”
  50. Generating Event Handler Skeletons in .NET
  51. I Guess YouTuber’s *Do* Advertise
  52. The End Of Super Bowl-Style Advertising
  53. A Case For Rolling It (All) Yourself
  54. An Extreme(ish) Company Planning Conference
  55. Is Microsoft Crowdsourcing Search?
  56. A Special Message From Thing1 and Thing2
  57. Trouble Creating Windows Services With “sc.exe create”
  58. My Favorite Book Ever
  59. Idea: Blackmail Yourself to Health
  60. User Interfaces And The Fools Who Love Them
  61. Google’s Subtly Personalized Search Results
  62. How To Cook Occasionally Alongside a Wife Who Cooks Often
  63. Thing2 Explodes, Laundry Ensues
  64. Automating Minitab with C#
  65. Blurry Shapes: Unleashing the Bokeh
  66. Windows 7 Tip: Check Box-Based File Selection
  67. Presenting: The Parental Anger Scale