Michael Haren’s Wassupy Blog

Archive of posts in family

  1. Automatic dog food status light
  2. Thing1’s Fun Run
  3. Dear Children: You Are Awesome
  4. Fun Times at Niagara Falls With the Kiddos
  5. Introducing Our Kids to Video Games
  6. Halloween Abroad
  7. Happy First Birthday, Thing 3
  8. Happy Mother’s Day
  9. Birth Story: Thing 3
  10. The Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, Ohio
  11. Hey Zoo Membership Dude: A Letter from Tammy the Tamarin
  12. A Special Message From Thing1 and Thing2
  13. How To Cook Occasionally Alongside a Wife Who Cooks Often
  14. Thing2 Explodes, Laundry Ensues
  15. Presenting: The Parental Anger Scale
  16. Life Lessons About Glitter (ZOMG IT’S EVERYWHERE)
  17. Ten Commandments of Trick or Treat
  18. Herein Lies A Graphic Description of Toilet Punishment
  19. Road Journal 10/12/2010 — 10/15/2010
  20. Thing 1 is Three, OMG (Hey! That Rhymes!)
  21. The Pumpkin Patch
  22. Why I love Having a Decent Camera Phone
  23. Road Journal 9/22/2010 - 9/24/2010: Day 3
  24. Road Journal 9/22/2010 - 9/24/2010: Day 2
  25. Road Journal 9/22/2010 - 9/24/2010: Day 1
  26. Ruminations: Multiple Births; Congratulations
  27. Bad Haircuts
  28. We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo…how about—what are you looking at?!
  29. Charlotte’s Birth Story, and Why We Chose Homebirth (Written by Sarah)
  30. Well, we live in Ohio.
  31. Announcing Charlotte Mae Haren
  32. Birth Story from Sarah
  33. She’s coming!
  34. Maya’s on Her Way
  35. Peanut, GET OUT!
  36. Still Here, Still Pregnant
  37. Peanut’s 20-Week Ultrasound
  38. More Baby Stuff…
  39. Funny Shirts, Baby Stuff