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1 March 2022

Tree of Dark Matter (Part 5)

by B, L, M, P, and W

Getting started

L is leading the adventure today.

We’re continuing the Tree of Dark Matter (see also: part 4)!.

Today’s adventure

The group awakens to find Delta is missing, presumably he’s fallen into the void. They head back to the six paths and choose path number four. They are met by a giant humanoid hamster. Apollo asks Unknown to deal with the creature but finds that Unknown’s whereabouts are unknown. Angy Boy offers the monster some hamster flavored pudding and it vanishes. 🤮.

The group continues down the path and discover another portal. They jump through. There is corruption everywhere. There are cube monsters everywhere. Apollo and Blaze are unable to damange any cubes. Suddenly an apparent hive-mind queen emerges and the party goes wild. Angy Boy casts Word of Radiance and harms all nearby cubes.

After a prolonged argument, all party members collapse with tranquilizer darts sticking out of their necks.

Until next time…

tags: blmpw