Michael Haren’s Wassupy Blog

Archive of posts from 2013

  1. Understanding (That There Exists) An Opposing View
  2. Notify New Relic of Deployments with Chef
  3. How to use services in a NopCommerce Plugin that it doesn’t use by default
  4. Chef: Cannot find a resource for powershell on windows version 6.1.7600 (solved)
  5. My Top 9 Favorite Podcasts (Updated March 2013)
  6. Building Dual-Screen Wallpapers for Windows 7 with PowerShell
  7. Setting up a Samsung Wireless Laser Printer with a Phone or Tablet (i.e. Without a Computer)
  8. Automatically Connect to the Replica Set Primary with Mongo Shell
  9. Chef on Windows Error: tar: Cannot fork: Function not implemented (Solved)