Archive of posts from November 2011
I Vote To Close This Meeting
Case Sensitivity in ASP.NET
LEDs Have Arrived!
A Candy Land Simulator: The Game Engine, Implemented
Outlook Tip: Automatically Archive Annoying Meeting Invitation Responses
A Candy Land Simulator: The Game Engine
A Candy Land Simulator: Overview and Data Representations
Please Ignore Me While I Gush Over My New Laptop
Installing/Upgrading Memory in a Dell Latitude 6520 (aka MOAR GBs!)
Jim, The Pony Taxi, Who Sounds A Lot Like an Engineer
How To Give Better Technical Presentations
Profanity in Technical Presentations and Business
Oh no! I have an interview today and did absolutely nothing to prepare!
What I Miss From My Android as a New iPhone User
How the Google Search “Do a barrel roll” Works
Moving A Hard Drive with Windows 7 to a New Machine
iPhone, from a Former Android Enthusiast
Campaigning Like a Boss