Arduino Day 6: Analog Inputs
Tip! This post is part of a series on my adventures with Arduino
I used up the last of my components today: a light sensor (CdS/photoresistor) and a knob-driven variable resistor (potentiometer). This probably means my days of “the basics” are about over!
Let’s talk about “basics” for a second. I visited some awesome friends in the hospital recently and while trying to cheer them up, Sarah and I started chatting about some famous YouTube videos like the double rainbow guy. These poor, poor friends had no idea what we were talking about.
Fortunately, they had a laptop handy, and unlike the first couple of days they were there, the wifi worked. They were summarily introduced to the Internet with the following choice selections:
If you or someone you know hasn’t yet experienced the hilarity of user submitted content, please, do not fear. You are welcome here. It’s a safe-ish place.
Now where was I? Oh yes…
Today’s build is another extension on the sound thing I’ve been working on. I took the Mario playing board and added in a light-trigger so it only plays when it’s dark. I also used the potentiometer to control the tempo of the song. Let me show you:
Since this build was a very minor addition to my previous circuits, I’m only showing the simple changes here:
The only changes today were in the Loop() routine:
void loop() {
int CdsReading;
for(int i = 0; i<x; i++){
// wait until dark
while ((CdsReading = analogRead(0)) < 500){
// check 10x/sec
// get the pot value
NoteDuration = analogRead(1);
Serial.print("Pot reading = ");
// map the analog value [0,1023] to a reasonable speed value [25,250]
NoteDuration = map(NoteDuration, 0, 1023, 25, 250);
// play each note for the corresponding duration
Buzz(song[i], NoteDuration*length[i]);
// tiny break between notes
// rest the corresponding duration (often 0)
delay(2000); // pause a moment before starting over
Next Steps
This was a very fun project because it gave me another opportunity to engage Thing1. I inverted the light sensor logic for her so that it plays only when a bright light is shining on it. She had about eight seconds of fun shining a flashlight on/off/on/off/on/off and seeing the song and LEDs react. Considering her skill with the TV remote (a much more impressive device), I guess the eight seconds of interest I got from my three year old was pretty good.
I honestly have no idea what I’m going to do tomorrow. Suggestions?