Michael Haren’s Wassupy Blog

First Look at NuPack: A VS-Integrated Package Management Tool

in technology


Couldn’t be easier:

First Run

Fire up Visual Studio 2010 and open the Package Manager Console under View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console (or press C-W, C-Z):

From here you get a nice, friendly command line window:


This is a PowerShell console so the standard pattern of commands is available with the “-package” suffix. For example, to see what’s available, try List-Package:

PM> List-Package

Id                Version  Description 
--                -------  ----------- 
Adam.JSGenerator  Adam.JSGenerator helps producing snippets...
Agatha-rrsl       1.2.0    Request/Response Service Layer for .NET 
AntiXSS           4.0.1    AntiXSS is an encoding library which uses...
Antlr             3.1.1    ANother Tool for Language Recognition...
Antlr             3.1.3    ANother Tool for Language Recognition... 


Nice! OK, Let’s open up a new ASP.NET MVC App:

And throw together a simple MVC app:


namespace TechTalk7.Models
    public class Idea
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }


namespace TechTalk7.Controllers
    public partial class IdeaController : Controller
        private static List<Idea> Ideas = new List<Idea>();

        public IdeaController()
            Ideas = new List<Idea>() { 
                new Idea() { ID = 1, Name = "Brush your teeth" }, 
                new Idea() { ID = 2, Name = "Study hard" } 

        public virtual ActionResult Index()
            return View(Ideas);


<% foreach (TechTalk7.Models.Idea I in Model)
    { %>

    <!--old way, without T4
    <%=Html.ActionLink(I.Name, "Details", new { ID = I.ID }) %> -->

<%} %>


It works! Now let’s improve that view code by trying out that fancy T4MVC stuff I’ve heard so much about:

PM> Add-Package t4mvc
Successfully added 'T4MVC 2.6.30' to TechTalk7


That was easy. But what just happened? It looks like some files were added:

Sweet! Now I have T4MVC all ready to go and can do neat things like this:

<% foreach (TechTalk7.Models.Idea I in Model) { %>
        <!-- *old way*, without T4-->
        <%=Html.ActionLink(I.Name, "Details", new { ID = I.ID }) %>
        <!--new way, *with* T4-->
        <%=Html.ActionLink(I.Name, MVC.Idea.Details(1)) %>
<%} %>

Better. No more typo-prone strings, clunky object initializers, and it’s even a little shorter.

Soon I’ll be checking out the Spark View Engine, too. With that, my code above could be replaced with something like this:

<viewdata Ideas="List[[TechTalk7.Models.Idea]]"/>
    <li each="var I in Ideas">
        ${Html.ActionLink(I.Name, MVC.Idea.Details(1))}

That looks pretty nice.