Michael Haren’s Wassupy Blog

Archive of posts from 2005

  1. Haiku
  2. Oh, you work with computers?
  3. Healthy(er) pick me up!
  4. Updates All Around
  5. Pirate Updates
  6. Check Out This Hot Dog
  7. How is your WiFi?
  8. Intelligent Cat Door
  9. Poseidon Swimming System
  10. Auto-Tint Glass
  11. Gas prices
  12. Buying an iPod: Fight the Urge to Splurge
  13. iPod Nano
  14. Impatience at its best
  15. House Hunting Updates (II)
  16. House Hunting Updates
  17. Happy!
  18. Canada
  19. Cards in Newark
  20. Mary Lyle-Storie’s Wedding
  21. TiVo to the Rescue, Slickdeals.net
  22. Diary of a Mad Black Woman (0/5 stars)
  23. Batman (3.5/5 stars)
  24. Garden State (4/5 stars)
  25. Updates: Exams (3 of 5), Sofa Express, Sarah’s Car
  26. More updates - Lost, Graduation
  27. Hockey!
  28. Updates from the crypt
  29. updates on the way…
  30. Racin’ for the Cure
  31. music freeloading
  32. hockey
  33. Poker [updated]
  34. Mike and Ike
  35. :(
  36. Mother of God this hurts
  37. Poker updates
  38. Perl - huh?
  39. Hockey Hockey Hockey
  40. Items on the horizon
  41. Hockey Madness!
  42. random updates
  43. Hockey
  44. two-minute minor
  45. Finals!
  46. Saw (4/5 bananas)
  47. Work…yaaaay!
  48. some people are just crazy
  49. Googol err Google
  50. iPod Shuffles Rock (my world)!
  51. Stealing vs. Stealing…
  52. Hockey Madness